Caring Ministry

Associate Pastor: Bill Heinle

Drive Thru Prayer is available in the south parking lot every Tuesday from 7:00 - 9:00 am.

GriefShare is a weekly grief support group for those who are adjusting to their new world after the death of a loved one.  It is a safe place to talk and listen to others sharing their grief experiences.  Bible based resources will help you find comfort, strength, and hope.  Everyone's experience is unique and accepted.  Videos, discussions, workbook activities, and God's promises are parts of each of the 13 sessions.  If you feel you are walking alone, come walk with us for this part of the journey.  There is hope.  Meetings begin January 9 in Room 16.  Registration forms can be picked up between first and second services in the Family Life Center during December (See Doris or Pam).

Stephen Ministry will resume after the new year.  The next supervision meeting will be January 22 at 4:30 pm in Room 16.